Monday, January 3, 2022

Update: Plans for 2022


So, new year huh... heh yeah, what a year 2021 was eh?

So uh, I ended up not being able to watch that many new releases last year, I could pin the blame on school or because of my social life, but while both of those are factors, the real key point was a general lack of desire and will to do so. The idea of sitting at my computer watching a movie is not so appealing to me, so the few first impressions that I did end up writing, only two of them I ended up watching on my computer, I have not exactly made my computer set up for comfortably watching a movie. So I ended up not getting around to watching movies like Wish Dragon, Vivo, Luca, The Mitchell's Vs The Machines, the Scooby-Doo courage crossover nor the new Mortal Kombat animated movie. They are all on my watchlist, but we're going to have to be a bit patient with that one.

So, what are my plans for 2022? Well, for starters, I'm going to slowly phase out the one review a month plan. This is because, this is going to be my last year of school! Come this April I will officially be finished with Art College, huzzah! Plus, I have it planned that I will essentially take a vacation after college, pretty much a time to get away from the house and just relax. I will still do movie reviews during my vacation, because I will have a lot of time on my hands. So, I'm thinking that come April, I will try to get two reviews out each month, and I may keep it at that. I'm not one-hundred percent on keeping it at two reviews each month, but as of right now it looks like the most appealing plan.

2022 is gonna be a big year for me, personally. Not only am I finishing Art College, but I'm also going to start planning to move out of my Dad's (Finally), nothing is confirmed in that regard, but I'm hoping I can start moving out by the next year at the latest. If all goes to plan, that will hopefully also give me a lot of spare time to devote to this blog, but we'll get there when we get there.

So, otherwise, what else is gonna change here? Well, I'm also thinking about bringing in reviews of animated Television shows. The DuckTales editorial seemed to do well so I'm toying with the idea of giving other shows the same treatment? Currently I'm working through Gravity Falls, but there may be other show reviews in the future. (this may be the incentive I need to finally finish Steven Universe, Daria and my Red vs Blue rewatch) Again, nothing set in stone, but it's something I've thought of doing.

Primarily though, this is still going to be a movie blog, so other than the increase of reviews later down the line, what will movie reviews look like?

Well, I do want to put more focus on older animated movies, like from the 90s back. That being said, there are a few recent movies that have struck my fancy. As of now, I only have three movies confirmed for this year, DuckTales: The Movie (Which I have already written the review for, expect that in February), My Little Pony: The Movie from 1986 (No expected release, may do that around May but don't hold me to that) and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (May save that for Summer). However, I am toying with the idea of reviewing the original King Kong movie.

As for other posts, I'm hoping to do more First Impressions blogs this year. I'm hoping that movie theatres are open to the public again (Plus I'm double vaxxed) so I can easily spend a weekend watching a movie in theatres if I can. Otherwise, they'll mostly stay the same.

As for editorials, I am sitting on some posts, two posts that look back at the first fifty movie reviews, another one about animated shorts and an old one about my favourite Disney songs, but if First Impressions become more regular, I may reserve Editorials for (Shocker) their original purpose, i.e. as a way to add extra thoughts without bogging down a movie review or to talk about certain topics that I want to voice my opinion on. So any editorials about "Entertainment discourse" or "My favourite hybrid movies" will most likely end up being a thing of the past, and I can't say I'll be sorry to see editorials like those go.

That seems to be about it for this update. I'm gonna try and increase my review output, as well as my first impressions output, I'm going to stop shoe-horning editorials onto my blog, and I might start adding TV and Web shows into my review line-up. Alongside my personal life stuff including my Finishing or Art College, and my planning to move, all in all I'm hopeful for 2022. I hope you're all as excited to tackle the year as I am, so I'll see you in February with my review of DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp.

Let's kick this year in the butt!

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