Sunday, October 10, 2021

First Impressions: Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021)

Hey, a new first impressions. Yeah I'm still not super comfortable going to movie theaters, so first impressions have been really slow. However, let's do another one, and let's talk about something else that is near and dear to my heart, The Muppets.

I haven't been the biggest Muppet fan as a child, which was mostly due to not having access to a lot of the material. Nowadays, The Muppets are one of the things I can point to as pushing me down the path of becoming an artist. The Muppet Movie was a life changing experience for me, and The Muppet Christmas Carol is one of my all time favourite movies. That being said, I am not super fond of more modern Muppet material. A part of it is that I don't think the magic is the same, but it could also be that the writing is not as good. So, while I was interested with the new Muppets special, I'll admit, I did have some reservations. How did it all end up?

First and foremost, the original Muppet magic is, I don't want to say gone, but I don't think there is a better word for it. A lot of people would say it was all Jim Henson, but the reality is, especially for people my age, Jim was not a big part of the Muppets. Yes, he was the main guy behind it, and he did build a lot of the puppets, but he also had Jerry Juhl to write for him and a myriad of other amazing performers to bounce off of. Just like the Muppets themselves, there was no One person to make the magic happen. With most of the original team dead, Jerry Juhl having passed in 2005, or have left or been fired, there is no way the original charm of The Muppets can be recaptured. That being said, I think this one came close.

I think this special did a good job in focusing on Gonzo and Pepe, partially because I myself have a bit of trouble really jelling with Matt Vogel as Kermit, but also because it really lets us look into Gonzo's character. I think a lot of us relate to Gonzo because, even in a group like The Muppets, he is an outcast. We know that everyone is a Frog, Bear, Pig, Chicken, Rat, Eagle, Frackle or Gofer. Gonzo has always been described as a "Whatever" or a "Thing", and so when we get to look closer at our favourite Blue Weirdo, it allows us to connect better with him. This is why, while "Rainbow Connection" is my favourite song from the original Muppet Movie, "I'm Going to go Back There Someday" is my favourite scene.

I will also admit, some of the gags made me laugh. I liked the joke Uncle Deadly made regarding King Henry VIII, I think I laughed harder at that one than I was meant to. While I don't think it was as funny as Muppet Treasure Island, come on that is a high bar to reach in the first place. Actually, that is kind of the biggest issue with the special, not the only issue, but the biggest one. No matter how good it is, we will, either intentionally or not, compare it to the previous movies and shows. So, is it as funny as Treasure Island or Great Muppet Caper? No. Is it as heartful as The Muppet Movie or Muppet Christmas Carol? No. If you're expecting it to be, you're not going to enjoy this special as much.

On the topic of problems, while I enjoyed the humour of this special, I will say they did run some gags into the ground. The screaming goat especially became less funny with each use, honestly the same could be said for all the running gags. I was also expecting a bit more from the advertised cameos, I get they're cameos, but they literally just showed up for one song they don't even sing, and then show up at the end to deliver one line. If you want my advice, watch this before you watch the new UP series on Disney+, let Ed Asner's final role be that. I also kind of saw the end reveal coming, but let's be real, there weren't a lot of prominent human characters here, so the choice was pretty slim pickings.

Honestly, I kind of wish this was longer, give us more time to focus on Gonzo's fears, give us more time with the cameos, both human and Muppet kind. There were a few lesser known and forgotten Muppet cameos in this special, which was a nice touch. However, I do have to admit that as a special, it was fine. Maybe it would not have worked as a full movie, especially because, again, Jerry Juhl and a lot of the original Muppet cast are not with the series anymore. I will say that this was the best of the Muppet works done without them. I could not get into the 2011 series or Muppets Now!, but this, I could enjoy. I do recommend it for some spooky fun.

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