Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 - What is happening here for the new year?


So, a brand new year is here. 2021, honestly I thought it'd never get here. Well, with the new year, what is gonna change?

Well, hopefully nothing. However, that is only because I am trying to implement a new upload schedule.

Because of school, I will still only be releasing one review a month, however, to make up for that I'm going to try to post one Editorial or First Impressions as well. Reviews typically are posted on the first of the month, which free up the rest of the time for really anything.

So, there will be three kinds of posts on this blog:

1. Reviews - Standard reviews of animated movies, these will be released on the first of the month. For 2021, I'm going to try and focus on some older movies, at least pre-1990s, but no guarantees that I'll stick to that. I tend to review what I want.

2. First Impressions - Talking about newly released movies and whether or not they're worth seeing. Mostly these will have to be movies released in theatres, onto Netflix or Disney+ (As those are the two streaming services I have) or a notable direct to video feature. I also need to have something to say about it, even if it's just me saying "This is funny", if I have a very clear feeling towards the movie, than I'll make a blog about it.

3. Editorials - Just blogs where I talk about something that is on my mind, whether it is the sorry state of Netflix Originals or why I don't like a particularly beloved movie. If it is in some way related to my blog, I'll talk about it.

With all that said, I'm gonna take January off. I'd say it's for relaxing, but school starts on the 4th for me, and that sucks. So, it's more going to be for getting back into the swing of things. Once I'm done with school, I can get back to the original intent of this blog and releasing a post on a weekly schedule.

Well, with all that said, here is to hoping that 2021 is a better year for us all. Take care, stay safe, wash your hands and Fare-thee-well!

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