Tuesday, August 13, 2019

First Impressions: Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling (2019)

How do I begin this first impressions post? Seriously, how do I? I guess I'll begin with the hype. I have kind of fallen out of the whole fandoms thing. I used to be huge into Creepypasta and My Little Pony, but as time went forward, I kind of fell out of them. I used to write creepypasta reviews on my DeviantArt, I stopped them last year because I was getting burnt out. I bring this up because, I did not hear a lot of excitement around the special, not that there was none, I am sure there was a lot, but the most I heard was that this and the Invader Zim special "Enter the Flourpos"... the Florpous, the Floor-pus... whatever, someone will correct me, were both greenlit by Netflix. As for me, I was fine with them, I was not huge into either show, but it seemed people were happy to get them, and it seems that the original creators would have their hands in these movies. In any case, I myself was not against this special being made unlike the Disney live-action remakes or the SpongeBob Spin-Off.

Now, I was not entirely hyped myself, mostly because I have not watched the show, Rocko's Modern Life, in years, I think was just entering my early teen years when I last watched it before now, but I chose to rectify that mistake.
After watching a couple episodes of the show, I feel like the humour did not really gel with me. I was not laughing as much as I felt I should have, but I was still going to give this movie a chance.

Having seen it, I can safely say that if you enjoy the show, you'll enjoy this movie. It has Joe Murray at the helm once more and is as a Rocko special would most likely feel like for fans. It pokes fun at modern culture, has a similar kind of humour and is... fine.

Yeah, I'm not big on the show, but I acknowledge that the special is good. I'm not going to say I never laughed, there were a couple moments that did have me chuckling, and I did like the theme about change and having to accept it, could have done without the literal "Winds of change" myself though, was not fond of that joke. I guess that is my entire first impressions, it is a fine special if you like the show, but if you haven't seen the show, I'd recommend checking a few episodes out first and see if it is your thing. As for me, it is not.

Oh, yeah, there is also the whole "Making a character Trans thing" right, my thoughts on that. Well, first off I would have been a bit upset if Netflix had the concept shoe-horned in, but from what I have heard, it was actually Joe Murray's choice, and upon hearing that, I was curious to see where it would go. I think it was handled well, granted I am not a Trans person and have only been curious about transitioning myself, so I might not be the best person to discuss how the special handled it. I will say, I do like how the character's father is not entirely against the change, one could make the argument that too much has changed for him in such a short time and he could not handle it, I did think that was clever.

Oh yeah, one more thing, why does Letterboxd count this as a movie, but not the SpongeBob Birthday Blowout special? Both clock in over 40 Minutes, and both the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute consider the minimum length of a feature film to be Forty Minutes.
I am not sure, maybe it was because the SpongeBob special was split into two parts, but Letterboxd also logs short films as well, including the dreadful "Cans Without Labels".

I guess that does not really matter. Anyway, my rating for this special, if you like Rocko's Modern Life, you will probably enjoy this movie, but I have a rating I give to films that I give specifications for who might enjoy seeing it.

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