Wednesday, August 14, 2019

First Impressions: The Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019)

I was not expecting to write another First Impressions blog so soon, but here we are, with the second Angry Birds movie.

You know, I had no real expectations for this movie, I kind of expected it to just be another Secret Life of Pets 2 situation where, it was harmless, but near unwatchable because of the sheer amount of nothing that was happening, that for the record is why I did not write a First Impressions on Secret Life of Pets 2. So with my low expectations, and the fact that I have yet to see the first movie, it should not surprise anyone that I really enjoyed my time with this movie, yeah I know, a comedy movie being enjoyable, what is this crazy world coming to? Next you'll tell me that a Disney movie will be successful! </sarcasm>

All joking aside, this is a really funny movie. So many of the jokes had me howling with laughter. I think the joke that made me fall in love with the movie's humour is when the hatchlings end up in space. Yes, they play David Bowie's "Space Oddity", but the total absurdity of the movie's humour is what I love about animation. Not just that you can make fantasy a reality, but because you can get away with absurd, inane or even down right stupid jokes and concepts. I mean, the disguise the characters use in the movie is ridiculous, and it moves so unconvincingly that it on its own is silly, but then you have the fact that everyone thinks the disguise is not only a real person, but also that it is challenging them to a break-dancing competition, that is ridiculous and I love it. This might be the funniest animated movie of the year. I mean, what else is there really?
We have Missing Link, which was fine, but was not super hilarious. We have UglyDolls which, no. Wonder Park which is also a no, and Norm of the North 3 which doesn't even warrant acknowledgment.

I won't say it was all direct hits, but I think the jokes were more hit than miss.

But that is the humour, how about the rest of the movie? Honestly, it's fine. I did enjoy the characters, and the main plot of the movie. There were some scenes I could have done without, like the speed dating scene, but even then I do have to admit, the main character arc is an important one. I do think that while the humour is the strongest aspect of this movie, the plot and characters are not weak aspects on their own. If anything the weakest aspect was probably the reveals, not that they were bad reveals, but that they were just the weakest part of the movie.

Really, everything else was fine. I loved the villain, I thought she was highly entertaining and fun to watch. I almost wish they gave her a villain song just to spend a little more time with her. The side plot about the hatchlings trying to retrieve some unhatched eggs they misplaced was super funny, those poor baby birds could not catch a break, and I dare not spoil the whole thing for you.

As a whole, I was really surprised at this movie. What I was expecting to be a lousy, quick and dirty movie for kids, ended being a movie I laughed at more than so far any other movie I've seen in theatres all year. While I would love to give it a High Recommendation rating, I am going to dock a couple points just to be safe. The thing with comedies is that, some of them don't hold up, so come next year, I'll take a second look at this and see if I am correct in my choice, or if not. Either way, I still recommend this for any animation enthusiast out there.

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