Thursday, December 29, 2022

Editorial: Top 5 Best *NON-ANIMATED* movies of 2022

(Look, I didn't have any ideas for the title card for this blog so I just re-used the idea from the last post.)

That's right, I watch more things than animation. I think it is good to have a varied and diverse palette when it comes to art, but chances are you probably feel the same way, if a movie, game or book strikes your fancy, why should it matter that it isn't part of your preferred genre? If it looks like a good time, you might have a good time. Granted, not every movie I saw this year was good, but hey, I want to end this year on as positive a note as I can, so why not, here are my top five favourite live-action movies of 2022. Keep in mind, I did not get the chance to see every movie that came out in 2022, I mean, so much was released this year that it kind of would be insane to watch everything, and that is excluding everything that didn't go directly to Theatres or Netflix, so if you don't see a movie you like on here, maybe I didn't see it, maybe I didn't like it. Someone else probably agrees with you, so why be angry about it?

Over all I'd say that 2022 was an... adequate year in film. Of course, since my focus is  primarily animation I spent a lot of my time on that front, but from the movies I did see, yeah we had a decent selection. Some really cool movies that really go to show how far the technology has evolved since the late 1800s, some movies that, weren't deep but were still solidly entertaining flicks, and of course, some duds and clinkers. That is just the stuff I watched this year, but I think 2022 has been better on the live-action front than the animated front, at least in cinema. I feel like everyone is going to have a different favourite movie of 2022, so feel free to share your favourites, like I said, these are mine.

#5. The Batman

I feel like this movie could have gone either really well, or really poorly. Making this one a real murder mystery, portraying this interpretation of Batman as inexperienced and still learning his way through being Batman, having one of the iconic villains not even look like the iconic design, this movie could have gone wrong. Thankfully, everyone seemed to know what they were doing when making this movie because it turned out really good. I like that this Batman does seem inexperienced, I like that they are showing the fact that it would take more training to be Batman than just being in a ninja cult for multiple years. I liked the mystery of what all these people being offed have in common, I liked Catwoman, I liked Falcone, I liked Penguin, I was invested in this story, and while this was a very dark movie (Both thematically and visually), I thought it worked well. Definitely the best Batman movie since The Dark Knight.

#4. Everything Everywhere All At Once

As someone who is very easily frightened by existentialism and the nature of existence and the universe, this movie was... something. Not to say I didn't like it, I liked the characters, thought the scenarios were fun and was intrigued by the concept. I don't really know what to say about this one since literally all I think about when I think about this movie is how much I am terrified of existing, literally just existing, but you're not here to read about my apeirophobia or Existential angst, you're here to read about the movies I liked, and I did like this one. I think the movie strikes the right balance of just silly enough to make this concept more palatable to common viewers, but they do also mix the silly with the more serious as well, like that universe that couldn't sustain life so they became rocks, yeah this movie is interesting.

#3. Bullet Train

Something a bit more my speed, a solidly entertaining thrilling action flick. While I was immediately sucked in by the action scenes, and there are a lot of them, seeing how everything unfolded, how all the characters were tied together, it was kind of clever. I don't really think there is much else for me to say here, it was a fun and exciting action flick with an interesting plot and some really likeable characters, I actually liked the two citrus guys, and Brad Pitt's character was the movie Luck's character done right. I enjoyed this movie enough to actually buy the book it was based on, haven't read it yet, but I may get around to it.

#2. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

However, I think my favourite action movie of the year was this one. Prior to this movie, I watched that Foo Fighters horror vehicle "Studio 666". It was garbage, a generic horror movie that disappointed me, I was kind of expecting a satirical horror movie, a movie that poked fun at the genre while still being a horror movie. Plus, I feel like you could have put any other bad in the Foo Fighters' place and it would have been the same, save for a few references that could easily be changed. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent was the kind of movie I thought Studio 666 was gonna be like, still undeniably an action movie, but definitely one that had fun with the fact that it was a silly action flick, plus a lot of references to Nicholas Cage's career. Is this somewhat self-indulgent of Cage? Probably, but hey, when you have a scene as perfect as when him and Pedro Pascal are holding each other at gunpoint, who cares?

#1. Jackass Forever

Is this the best movie of the year? Oh heck no, it's a Jackass movie, it's low-brow schlocky entertainment for morons, potheads, dude bros and the kind of people who fit the "Peaked in high school" description. It's a collection of footage of guys being jerks, pulling mean pranks and getting hit in the balls, what reason could this movie have for being anywhere near a best movies of any year list? Because god damn it, I had a good time with this movie and isn't that what entertainment is meant to be about? No, this movie is not a deep and philosophical look at anything, but it never aimed to be, it's a bunch of guys having fun and we're having fun along with them, because damn it, sometimes I do like entertainment made for the lowest common denominator, I ain't high class, I'm here to watch a movie that I hope to be entertaining and damn it, if I'm laughing and smiling more often than not, than this movie succeeded at its job. Plus, Johnny Knoxville with grey hair, just yes. I can't deny it, of all the movies I saw in 2022, none of them were more entertaining than this one, and it was just such a nice breath of fresh air to sit in the theatre after so long and enjoy the dumbest of stuff thrown onto a theatre screen. Why is Jackass Forever my favourite movie of 2022? because It's a Jackass movie, it didn't want to be any thing more, and I didn't need any thing more.

I'm anticipating a lot for 2023, so I'm curious to see what movies that year will bring.

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