Saturday, October 29, 2022

Editorial: Top 10 Animated Disney Villains

Easily one of our favourite things about Disney is their impeccable ability to create some of the most vile and evil beings known to man, I'd make a joke about their CEOs being worse than their villains, but I think there is enough obvious things within this list. Everyone has a favourite Disney baddie, from the movies to the shows and even the comics, Disney villains are, or at least were, one of the things we loved to look forward to in watching their stuff, so, this Spooky season, in lieu of watching something Halloween related, I thought I would have some fun.

Being someone that loves Disney villains as much as the next person, I don’t think my choices are gonna be to out there, but either way, I wanted to celebrate my favourite vile, scummy, down right despicable villains and antagonists that the Magic Kingdom has to offer. Some of them will be quite obvious picks, but there may be one or two surprises here. I decided to not limit myself to only the animated canon, so I'm including villains from other animated movies, cartoons and comics. I'm leaving out any live-action villains because this is primarily an animation blog, and I'm also excluding any villains who were exclusive to video games, so no Organization XIII, Mizrabel or Shadow Blot and Blotlings from Epic Mickey. Also to be fair, the two major comics antagonists I have picked for this list, they've also made major appearances in animation, so consider this more of an animation list than anything else.

Anyway, on with the countdown!

#10. Professor Ratigan - The Great Mouse Detective

Disney has a way of making their villains so fun, but also very intimidating. Ratigan is definitely one of the villains that is entertaining enough to not be too scary, but at the same time always menacing. There are times when you just feel Ratigan is holding back his true villainy, just to keep up the appearance of suave and sophistication. Of course, when he is finally able to unleash his true dark side, it is as intimidating and scary as some of the classic Disney villains. A lot of that is due to the voice acting, Vincent Price is not only an amazing actor, but apparently he translates into the voice booth just as well. He always finds that right mix of entertaining and threatening that I don't think many other actors could get. The Great Mouse Detective was a fun, but a bit risqué children's film, and Ratigan was a big reason for that. He had some of the most entertaining moments of the film, but also some of the scariest moments. He's a fun blend of fun and sinister that is the perfect start to my list.

#9. The Phantom Blot - Disney Comics/DuckTales (2017)

The comics world is weird, esoteric and full of just strange things. Batman has a cow, there is a Squirrel themed super-hero who took out Thanos effortlessly, and Mickey Mouse has an antagonist that is just a massive shadow, resembling an ink blot test. While The Phantom Blot is a cool villain in and of himself, I mean he sets up back-up death traps in case his first death trap fails, what really makes him one of my favourites is that he is just a neat little send up to the comic fans. While he doesn't appear often in animation, when he does, it does feel like the writers are giving a little nod to the comic fans, saying "Yeah, we see you." You may be wondering what I think of him in the 2017 DuckTales series, since that was most likely his largest role in anything outside of the comics. Well, I definitely liked him, and I think it was a neat idea to have something chasing down Magica, it really does go to show, the enemy of your enemy is not your friend. That being said, I do think Phantom Blot was one of those villains that worked best as a duo, think Yzma and Kronk or Prince John and Hiss, and while I love Pepper as a character, and would love to see her (And a couple other DT17 original characters) become official Duck Comics canon, I mostly wanted this list to be full of solo acts.

#8. Chernabog - Fantasia

Chernabog, only number eight? Well, on the one hand, yes he is the pure embodiment of evil. His towering, shadowy figure looms over the town, and his own shadow distorts everything inside of it. The facial expressions he makes, inspired by horror icon Bela Lugosi, are pure nightmare fuel. Outside of Fantasia, he has been seen with other big name Disney villains, including taking over the House of Mouse with Jafar, smashing Mickey and friends at American Football with Pete and the Beagle Boys, and even trying to take over The Magic Kingdom with Hades. He's been a Kingdom Hearts boss, and referenced in so many other media, some did it well like Rocko's Modern Life, others did it poorly like The Thief and the Cobbler. Yes, I do think that design and reputation alone, Chernabog has earned a spot as one of the top Disney villains... That all being said, he's mostly been used for comedic effect recently, nothing super menacing, like in The House of Mouse where he admits to being afraid of the dark, or when he was sheepish around Michael Eisner, or the aforementioned Football game in the 2010s Mickey Mouse cartoons. On top of that, Chernabog doesn't really do all that much, he just kind of summons spirits and tortures them. Not that that isn't pretty evil, and it's definitely cool to watch, but when you compare it to what the other villains do, it's kinda weak. Design, associations and reputation can only get you so far, you need a little more substance to yourself, y'know.

#7. Oogie Boogie - The Nightmare Before Christmas

Oogie Boogie doesn't even make a major appearance in the movie until the third act, yet the character leaves such an impact that it doesn't even really matter that for most of the movie he's just kind of not there. Another villain that toes the line of entertaining and threatening, but you really do get the sense that he is only entertaining because you're watching him. You really feel as though that if you were anywhere near him you'd be terrified. It is also a very unique take on the Boogie Man, not a tall shadowy figure or a great snarling beast, but a big burlap sack of bugs, which does mean he lacks a lot of visual interest, but is still a version of the character not usually seen. On top of that, I do think they make him visually appealing enough, introducing him with the glowing eyes and mouth, and having him a bright glowing green, almost neon, does give a little bit of flare to what would otherwise be a boring design. On top of that the voice work by Ken Page is fantastic, almost hitting the tone of amusing but threatening as good as Vincent Price. Even though this character's role in the movie was small, he left a big impact, being resurrected for the sequel video game and being one of the main baddies in the first Kingdom Hearts game. Iconic, entertaining, and oh so evil, it's no wonder Oogie Boogie is a classic Disney villain to many.

#6. John Silver - Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet easily has the best dynamic between Jim Hawkings and John Silver in any version of the Robert Louis Stevenson novel. Easily one of two villains on this list who also makes my favourite Disney Characters list. Long John Silver, to begin with, is just a cool design, the cyborg parts add a unique touch to the character making him stand out, and the mix of CG and traditional animation is unique. On top of that, he is one of the few Disney villains to actually get a character arc. Throughout the movie, you really see him bonding with Jim, and become something of a father figure to the lad. Which makes it all the more crushing when the two end up on opposing sides. Culminating in the end where he has to choose between his life long obsession, and the lad he grew so close to. Apparently in the scrapped sequel, he was gonna return as a smuggler, and his smuggled explosives would have come in at the end climax. I am a bit bummed we never got Treasure Planet 2, it really seemed like it could have been the best of the Disney sequels. That all being said, this is also the reason Silver doesn't place in the top five, as this is mostly a list about villains and their villainy, and while John is a great character, he does end the movie by no longer being a threat to the protagonist. In fact, one could make the argument that Mr. Scroop is the real antagonist of the movie, he is the biggest threat to Jim, but at the end of the day, John Silver is still one of Disney's best characters, and as he is recognized as an official Disney villain, I guess that warrants a spot on this list.

#5. Magica De Spell - Disney Comics / DuckTales

On the topic of villains that also make my favourite characters list, Magica De Spell is a great villain no matter if she's in a comic, video game, cartoon or even alternate universe. The best thing about Scrooge McDuck's adversaries is that, for the most part, you do get some sense of respect or admiration between them. It is not uncommon in the comics for Scrooge and Magica to team-up for some reason, and the writers have had almost every reason for Magica to interact with the Duck Family, from trying to manipulate Gladstone Gander in another Dime Robbing Scheme (And potentially falling in love with him, Magicstone shipper to the bitter end), to going to visit Grandma Duck to get an herb for some hair lotion, or even involving the Triplets in a scheme. While comics canon is wild, it does seem that every writer agrees that on some level, there is positive emotions between Scrooge and Magica, which is probably why Dimeshipping is popular amongst the fandom. That being said, if I had to pick my favourite version of Magica as a villain, it would have to be the 2017 DuckTales series. Not that comics Magica, Topolino Magica, or '87 Magica are bad as villains, but I think 2017 got the mix of threatening and entertaining down better. Plus, while I love June Foray, she was just giving Magica her Natasha Fatale voice and it can be a bit distracting, where Catherine Tate's voice does make the character less silly. Magica De Spell was one of the things I think the DuckTales 2017 reboot did perfectly, beginning as just a shadow, developing her relationship with Lena, and even working in Scrooge's Number One Dime into her backstory. Whether you like the Comics, 87 Cartoon or 2017 series version better, Magica De Spell is easily one of the best Carl Barks characters ever put to paper.

#4. Lady Tremaine - Cinderella

Anyone who says that Cinderella just waited around and did nothing about her situation, well, that is how a lot of abuse victims are, because they often feel powerless against their abusers. With just control over one person's life, Lady Tremaine manages to squeeze every last drop of joy from poor Cinderella's existence. The mannerisms of Lady Tremaine are nightmarish, laying in her bed stroking Lucifer surrounded in shadow, and the way she glares at Cinderella makes my spine shiver. Lady Tremaine is one of the best Disney villains, mostly because she is the most realistic Disney villain. As much as we love to imagine, let's face it, there aren't a lot of Cruella De Vils or Professor Ratigans, or Magica De Spells, or Maleficents in this world, but there are a lot of Lady Tremaines. People who will destroy any chance at someone having a decent life for petty reasons at best. She is emotionally abusive to Cinderella, but there are other abusers who are mentally, physically and sexually abusive, among many other forms of abuse. It's not hard to think of alternate versions of the character where Lady Tremaine is even worse, because there are so many abusers out there. Abuse is not a competition, and if you or someone you know is being abused, talk about it to someone you trust, because you're stronger than they want you to be, and that is why they're afraid.

#3. Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls

Bill Cipher is not a villain that toes the line between amusing and threatening. Bill Cipher is a villain that is amusing because of how threatening he is. Among the gifts of heads that are always screaming and snappy zingers, lies a scheming being of pure evil. It does sometimes feel like Bill is two or three steps ahead of everyone else, like he could see how the events would play out by gaining Ford's trust, by manipulating Mabel, by making deals with Gideon. You do have to wonder how ahead of the game he is, but he also comes off as insane enough to just wing all of his plans. Both sides work as it makes him too tricky to dupe, but too cocky to think he ever could be duped. Bill Cipher really is the devil, and I don't mean that as a metaphor, the way he is portrayed in the show really does make him seem like a version of the Devil himself. I mean, there is the obvious weirdmageddon stuff, but then you have Time Baby, the closest thing to God in this show, and all of his deals, which always turn out in his favour. The Devil will play any trick to make a deal with you, up to and including pretending to be God. Much like The Devil as well, when you are aware of his presence you see him everywhere, the window, in carvings, all over the place. You really get the sense he is everywhere, omnipotent, he sees all, in fact he could be all. Everything, everywhere, all at once, Bill Cipher is three-sides of one goal, pure chaotic evil.

#2. Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty

Okay, hot take, Sleeping Beauty is the "Pre-Death of Disney" era's equivalent of Frozen. Weak story, okay characters, fantastic visuals, the only difference being that Frozen's villain sucked, while Sleeping Beauty's villain was Maleficent. Maleficent is a character that is evil, most likely because it is the only thing that gives her any joy. Spreading curses and smiting weaklings is what she enjoys doing, and her evil laughter is one of the best evil laughs in all of cinema. Points to Elanor Audley who provided the voice for Maleficent, giving a truly threatening performance. Where Bill Cipher is entertainingly threatening, Maleficent is threateningly entertaining, in that you always want to see what she does next, or where her plan is going. Maleficent is usually one of the top tier baddies in Disney villain team-ups, especially in Kingdom Hearts where she is the leader of the main group of Disney Villains. She is the mother of lead character Mal in the Descendants series, and was the first villain to get their own spin-off series, which, while not a major achievement, does still show how popular of a character Maleficent is. Evil to the bone and loving every second of it, Maleficent has stayed a villainous icon for a reason.

Which does beg the question, if Chernabog, John Silver, Magica De Spell and Bill Cipher don't top Maleficent, why is she at number two? Well, there is one villain I like more than Maleficent, but before then, because there are a lot of Disney villains that people will jump down my throat if I don't include, here are some honourable mentions.

1. Hades (Hercules) - fun and entertaining, though not much on the threatening side. James Woods does an excellent performance, but I just haven't seen Hercules in a long time.
2. The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) - The one that started it all, more or less. Gotta give her some respect.
3. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians) - Well designed and entertaining enough, but her villainy amounts to theft and furs, which is pretty weak, honestly I prefer Glenn Close's portrayal.
4. The Mad Doctor (Mickey Mouse Shorts) - The villain in a short that got banned, that's gotta be worth something.
5. Negaduck (Darkwing Duck) - Jim Cummings' voice makes kitties, puppies and ducklings keel over and die.
6. Yzma and Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove) - Easily Disney's funniest duo, but again, this is predominantly a solo club.
7. Pete (Disney-verse) - Disney's oldest character, so while his villainy is malleable, he is worth a mention.
8. The Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland) - Note to self, review Alice in Wonderland sometime in the future.
9. Lotso Huggins (Toy Story 3) - Pixar's best villain. Consider him my Number eleven.

So many wonderful Disney baddies, and which villain tops all of them? Well, it is less of a character and more of an entity, but it is often considered one of the best villains in cinema, so... without further ado...

#1. Man - Bambi

Yes, I did not like Bambi. That does not matter, I'm not ranking these villains on how much I like their source movies or shows. Man was probably the most well done thing in Bambi. First, you hear Man's gunshots, but you don't see any damage, then you hear man's gunshots, and you are told of the damage. While it is unseen, it is made known that Man has done something. Finally, not only do you hear Man shoot something, you see a dead body fall to the ground. Finally hitting home what exactly the threat of Man is. It was very well done, and really does keep Bambi from being a truly unbearable movie in my opinion. We never see Man, but we are always aware of Man when the are in the forest. It is also worth noting that many hunters actually avoid shooting at female animals, so it is likely that the hunter that shot Bambi's mom was doing so illegally, or just didn't care. What really puts Man on my list though, is Man's impact within the real world. That isn't to say that Maleficent, Bill Cipher or Lady Tremaine did not scare some kids, but they would eventually grow up and overcome the fear these characters gave them. Man on the other hand is different, because anyone could have been Man, and worse, they could have been the "Man" that killed Bambi's mom. Your Dad sitting next to you, your neighbor, your teacher, Red Green, any of them could have been the "Man" that killed Bambi's Mom, carelessly set fire to the forest, or even nearly killed Bambi himself. It really made kids look at relatives and friends who were hunters in a different light, and I have to give credit where it is due, very few villains really have that kind of impact. I mean, Darth Vader didn't make people look at fascism any differently, The Joker didn't change many people's minds on mental health, nobody really talks about the world of envy and pride of Plankton from SpongeBob, and those are some of the most iconic villains of all time. For traumatizing people both in and out of the cinema world, Man from Bambi has to rank as number one on my favourite Disney Villains list.

Although modern Disney movies have been leaving the idea of the traditional villain behind, it is fun to look at some of our favourite baddies, the ones who told us that heroes can overcome any obstacle, the ones who taught us that the worst villains can be the ones we're closest to, the ones who taught us that villainy can really be about perspective. I won't argue that modern Disney movies need villains, Encanto and Turning Red were fine without them, but I do think villains are important in some manor. One of my favourite quotes preceded Neil Gaiman's Coraline, which he attributed to G.K. Chesterton, it reads "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." Of course the dragons are a metaphor. Villains are fun, not simply because they give a story stakes, but because when the heroes defeat them, we learn that we can defeat them too.

have a happy and safe Halloween everyone.

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