Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996) - One of the weirdest, and yet strangely entertaining movies I've ever seen

Well, it is the summer, the time of great adventures, wonderful stories and just taking time to appreciate freedom for most of us... I assume, I'm writing this review in early April thanks to the current pandemic happening, so hindsight is not exactly 20/20 right now. Hopefully, by June all of this will die down, and hopefully things will return to some state that we can call normal, hopefully one better than right now. Well, since it is the summer I think it would be a good idea to look at a wacky road trip movie... full honesty, I just wanted a road trip movie but uh... this movie is weird.

After their TV gets stolen, Beavis and Butt-head end up going on a trip across the United States on a quest, to them it's to score with a hot girl, but to everyone else involved it's to smuggle a man-made virus across the country. Once a government agency gets wind of this, they start trying to chase the two boys down, but just keep missing them at every turn. Okay, plot wise it doesn't sound too weird, in fact it might be one of the more tame plots for any movie I have ever seen. However, what makes it weird is how it just keeps escalating to the point of absurdity. The movie ends with Beavis, possibly really high, doing his cornholio bit at the White House before getting in a stand-off with the FBI, ATF and SWAT. A movie that starts with the two boys trying to find their stolen TV set ends up with them getting involved in a weapons smuggling plot, wrecking the Hoover Dam and going on a cactus induced trip with Rob Zombie visuals. The way this movie escalates is really bizarre, and kinda funny since the two are painfully unaware of everything going on. I wouldn't say the escalation is as good as the South Park movie, but that movie was all about making commentary and satire, so it's kinda like comparing an apple to a computer mouse.

Being honest, the idiocy of the two does get a little painful to watch at times. I really hate dramatic irony, the trope where the audience knows something the characters don't, think romeo and Juliet where we know that Juliet isn't dead, but Romeo doesn't. Honestly, it's mostly just a personal thing, I hate watching people be dumb when I know the reality, it's kinda like watching Trump be president, like you really just want to reach into the TV and start yelling at the characters. I think it works here because, well Beavis and Butt-head probably wouldn't understand even if they were told. They kinda just go along their way, so it is less painful to watch. In fact, the whole movie is a bit of a dramatic irony since all the characters expect Beavis and Butt-head to be, well competent at anything, and we all know that the two are complete boobs. While their idiocy does get painful, it's kind of a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas painful where it never becomes too much to watch.

Now, I am not someone who ever watched an episode of Beavis and Butt-head, so I'm coming into this movie mostly blind. That being said, the idiocy of our two leads was never aggravating. They're motivated by two things really, TV and sex. That being said, they are more like observers to the plot in this movie. They're unaware of literally anything that goes on around them, including when their names are on a sign. The side characters are more of the protagonists of this movie, they have more agency in getting the plot going, and you have a decent cast. The agent chasing them is kinda funny with how uh... intimate he can be, the smugglers are just that right amount of awful where, you don't like them, but you don't want them to get off screen to quickly, and of course, you have a whole host of colourful characters that have one or two appearances as well. I think character-wise, this movie isn't bad, they do their job decently, just not too memorable.

When it comes to the humour, it's pretty funny. I just had to laugh at how insane the end climax became, and there were some moments that made me chuckle as well. I think this would be a good movie to watch under the influence so to say. It really has that style of humour where you just sit back, mellow out and chuckle at the fact that your finger feels weird when you wiggle it in the air. Not to say this movie isn't funny for sober people, while there isn't a lot of clever wordplay and lots of awkward humour, you can be amused by some of the childish antics that go on in this movie.

While the main art style may not be appealing to some people, I do think the animation as a whole isn't bad. I am so used to shows and movies having bad art styles to get away with having bad animation, but the animation here is smooth, the lips are always in sync and I didn't see any obviously reused loops. The colour pallet is nice, not one of the best I've seen, but it always matches the mood and setting pretty well. Plus, the hallucination with Rob Zombie's artwork really is one of those segments that steals the show, it was just such an awesome scene that the movie is worth watching just for that.

That being said, this wasn't that bad of a movie. I found the escalation of the plot to be amusing, I found the two leads to be charming with their immaturity and simple mindedness, and as a whole I found the movie to be mildly funny. If you just want to sit back and check your brain at the door, maybe light up a little green if you're into that, this really is the movie for you. Even if you aren't into "Lucifer's Cabbage" there is still a mild amusement to this movie that I think you will enjoy. I give it a good recommendation... heh, heh, I said boobs in the review, heh.

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