Sunday, September 15, 2019

Update: It has been a couple weeks, what's going on?

This is just an update post, I haven't been writing reviews for the time because I have been starting school once more. I am going to art college.

This, of course, throws my schedule for a loop, and I want to find a decent solution around it. Keep in mind, I live with my dad and I prefer to watch movies on my own. So, it may take me a while to get back into doing proper reviews.

That being said, I will still try to get as many "First Impressions" blogs out as I can. I still have the Invader Zim and Steven Universe movies on the back burner, I do intend to do those before the year ends.

So yeah, reviews are going to be postponed for a while, until I get back into a working schedule.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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